The rotating hook or impact style restraint is the most common, but often misapplied. It is imperative to have a full understanding of your environment, usage and truck type when selecting a dock lock. Dock & Door Tec offers the NorDock AR-9000, AR-9500 and AR10K. These rotating hook restraints are a great blend of engineering and toughness. They are designed to outperform and last.
NorDock Pit Hook PH-3000 features:
- The AR10K offers the same features as the AR-9500, plus a battery backup for operation in case of a power failure. How else can you release the truck during a power failure?
- As with all dock locks, a full survey is needed to determine which model or type of restraining device will work for you. Contact Dock & Door Tec’s expert account reps who can help you find the right solution.
Questions?Not all businesses are the same. Not all loading docks and doors are the same. Not all service providers are the same.
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